Hi, from Aryvo 👋

To all our valued customers and supporters,

We are thrilled to announce an exciting and momentous change in our business. After much consideration, reflection, and planning, we are bidding farewell to the name "Cab My Ride" and embarking on a new chapter as "Aryvo." This re-branding represents a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn't be more enthusiastic about the fresh opportunities it brings for our company and our loyal clientele.

Why Aryvo?

The decision to change our name from Cab My Ride to Aryvo was not taken lightly. We wanted a name that would truly encapsulate the essence of our brand, while also reflecting our core values and vision. After an exhaustive search and thoughtful brainstorming sessions, Aryvo emerged as the perfect choice.

Aryvo is a portmanteau of two words that are the foundation of our business philosophy:

  1. Arise: We believe in empowering people to rise above their limitations and reach their destinations, both physically and metaphorically. Whether it's a daily commute or a life-changing journey, we are committed to providing reliable transportation services that enable our customers to seize opportunities and embrace new experiences.

  2. Voyage: Life is a series of journeys, and we want to be the reliable companion that makes every voyage smooth, comfortable, and memorable. Aryvo will continue to be the partner you can trust to get you where you need to go, fostering a sense of adventure, safety, and convenience along the way.

The Essence of Aryvo

At Aryvo, we are more than just a transportation service; we are a symbol of progress, reliability, and innovation. Our dedication to customer satisfaction remains unwavering, and this re-branding allows us to reinforce our commitment to excellence while expanding our horizons in the following ways:

  1. Enhanced Services: With the new name comes an opportunity to explore new avenues in the transportation industry. While maintaining our high standards in taxi services, we aim to introduce innovative offerings that cater to diverse customer needs, including eco-friendly options, premium rides, and exciting loyalty rewards.

  2. Technological Advancements: Technology has always been a driving force behind Aryvo, and we will continue to invest in cutting-edge solutions to streamline the user experience. Our revamped app will offer improved functionalities, seamless booking processes, and real-time updates for a smoother and more efficient journey.

  3. Community Engagement: Aryvo is more than just a business; we are an integral part of the communities we serve. We pledge to actively engage with local organizations, support causes that matter, and contribute positively to the areas we operate in.

Our Gratitude

As we take this leap forward, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all our customers who have been with us since the early days of Cab My Ride. Your trust and loyalty have been the pillars of our success, and we promise to carry forward the same level of dedication and passion as Aryvo.

We also want to thank our incredible team members, whose hard work and commitment have made this transition possible. Your enthusiasm for Aryvo's vision is what drives us to excel and deliver unparalleled service.

Aryvo: Your Journey, Our Passion

As Aryvo, we are embarking on a new journey, one that builds upon the foundations of Cab My Ride while reaching new heights. Our re-branding is not just a change in name; it represents a renewed sense of purpose and an unwavering dedication to our customers.

Rest assured, our core values of reliability, safety, and customer-centricity remain unchanged. As Aryvo, we are committed to being your trusted companion on every voyage, ensuring that you reach your destination with ease, comfort, and a smile.

We are excited about the future and can't wait to share it with you. Thank you for being an essential part of our story, and we look forward to welcoming you aboard Aryvo!

Yours Sincerely,

The Aryvo Team 💙


Tale of Exclusivity and Innovation